Friday, January 2, 2009

my not so smart moment

so some times i do things that are not very smart. and then i think to myself…“what?!” and…“i can not believe i just did that.”  for example… today i am cooking dinner for a group that is here.  it’s only about 30 people and dinner is lasagna (frozen and thrown in the oven).  so it should be easy peasy.  the lasagna is in the convection oven, which i do not like because it never cooks things the way i think it should.  but, things are going great, i’m ahead of schedule (at least i think i am).  then i decide that i want to put the cookies (that i made from scratch!) in the oven so they are ready with dinner.  i can’t put them in the convection oven because they need a different temp, and i already have a hard enough time not burning things, so i don’t want to chance it with the higher temperature.  better to just put it in the gas oven, though i haven’t used this one yet because i thought it was broken.  i’ve used the gas stove in our casita many times though, so no big deal right.  this one i’m using today is a little bit nicer because it actually has temperature settings (in celcius).  so i set it to the desired temperature and then… oops i get distracted.  i just remembered the garlic bread.  i must put that in the oven.  so i do a few things and then i see my cookies sitting there on the counter, not in the oven.  oh ya, i need to put those in the oven.  oops, i forgot to light it, better do that.  with the lighter lit as i’m leaning down to light the stove, i for a split second think, “hmmm…how long have i had the gas on…”  but my thinking was terribly interrupted by a giant EXPLOSION!!!  i see my hand reach down to light it, the thought enters my mind, and then i see fire fill the stove, while at the same time a loud crash as the top burners and large pot of hot water go flying in to the air and then crashing down.  i scream, turn my face and jump within about a seconds time.  and then i realize what happened.  i almost blew up an entire room of people, including my self.  everybody (about 10 people) is starring at me.  the stove and side counter are now about 3 inches away from the wall.  black little things are floating through the air.  the room is smoky and smelling burnt.  i’m a little shaken up, everybody is asking if i’m ok.  thankfully no one else was near me, the boiling water somehow did not splash anywhere after being shot into the air, and me, i’m in the check everything else mode.  no one hurt, nothing broken, well except maybe the stove.  i thought it wasn’t working before, it’s definitely not working now.  and then, dustin is there.  it’s better for me not to talk, because the tears won’t stop once i start.  he’d already ran over to  make sure i wasn’t hurt, but now he was wanting me to stop running around and really answer the question “are you ok?”  i’m fine, thank goodness.  shaking, but fine.  and then i see my poor arm hairs, they’re gone!  and the tip of my pony tail, singed into burnt stinky little pieces.  i force the tears away because i don’t want to make more of a scene than i just did.  and really i’m ok, just trying not to think about what could have happened.  that was my little accident for the day.  hopefully tomorrow is less eventful. 


Anonymous said...

My dear daughter, I am in tears, reading this aloud to my husband.
You could be one of those frighteningly melted people walking around with your beautiful face and arms burned off- or worse. I am so relieved that you are OK.
Having said that, I also have to comment that I so love that you could tell that story without getting preachy about what a miracle it was and how protected you are by. . .OK, enough from the atheist. Love you so very much.

Jess said...

soft hearted Britt.
I love that you had the courage to post this!

And I am so glad you are alright. I may have to start coming down and helping out with the cooking, so no one dies.

Love love love you guys.

Anna H said...

Wow, Britt. That was a close one. You are one lucky girl... I'm so glad that story didn't end in a hospital visit. That's a story to tell the grandkids for sure.

That being said, Kyle wants you to know that the explosion sounds pretty awesome.

Unknown said...


I am so glad that you and everybody else is ok. I love you guys and I am still laughing at the way you wrote about your little mishap. I am looking forward to coming down and helping you cook but I will bring my crock pot!



Anonymous said...

Move home now

lindsay e. s. said...

rip arm hairs.

Dan said...

Oh my gosh! I don't even know what to say. You could totally be dead right now. Be careful, now. Geesh.

jennafoxphoto said...

shoot girl! be careful! i guess you really do live and learn sometimes in life. love!!! come check out my blog too sometime!